Fifth Trust News


Get counting

22 January 2024

The RSPB Big Garden Birdwatch is happening this week.

Big Garden Birdwatch is the world’s largest garden wildlife survey. Every year, hundreds of thousands of people get counting, helping to build a picture of how garden birds are faring.

Between 26 and 28 January, all you have to do is spend an hour watching the birds in your garden, recording the ones that land. The Fifth Trust will be taking part at the vineyard and Barham Skills Centre.

Here’s how to get involved:

  • Register on the RSPB website and get your free guide.
  • Stock up on supplies to attract birds to your garden – we have a range of bird feeders, food, and student-made bird boxes available at our Vineyard Garden Centre. You can also order bird boxes from our online shop here.
  • Spend an hour watching the birds in your garden and record the birds that land.
  • Report what you saw (even if that’s nothing at all). You can submit your results online or by post.

Happy counting!